Course Set - MSMWHS201 & MSMPER300

  • Nationally Recognised Certificate
  • Fast Certificate Turnaround
  • Experienced and Certified Instructors
  • Flexible Learning Options
  • Industry Validated
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  • Construction, Industry and Resources Courses

Course Description

The course set including units MSMWHS201 and MSMPER300 is designed to equip individuals with essential workplace health and safety skills, along with the ability to work safely in controlled environments under a permit system. This training is highly relevant for those working in industries such as manufacturing, construction, or resource sectors where safety protocols and permits are critical to daily operations.

This course set is ideal for workers in industries that require adherence to strict safety protocols and permit systems, such as manufacturing, construction, and resource extraction. Upon completion, individuals will be able to identify workplace hazards, follow safety guidelines, and work safely under permit systems, making them valuable assets in maintaining a safe and compliant workplace.

Units Delivered

The following units will be included in your certificate:


Conduct hazard analysis


Issue work permits

This course can be delivered/assessed in the workplace or at facility organised by the training provider.

Course durations can vary for multiple reasons, so the durations below are the minimum possible amount.

Refresher Face to Face contact time of at least 7 Hours
Face-to-Face Face to Face contact time of at least 7 Hours

Participants must have the:

  • Complete the pre-requisite unit MSMWHS201 Conduct hazard analysis before completing the MSMPER300 Issue work permits unit
  • Physical capacity to be able to meet the demands of the practical demonstration skills including wearing and working in all relevant personal protective equipment
  • Physical capacity to able to speak clearly and unambiguously in the language of the worksite, undertake and interpret hazard analysis, conduct and interpret tests/inspections, ensure correct preparation of worksite is undertaken in relation to issuing work permits

Individuals undertaking this course set will be expected to complete both written and practical assessment tasks.

The units have the following recommended renewal periods:

MSMWHS201 - Conduct hazard analysis - Not applicable

MSMPER300 - Issue work permits - Not applicable

Please note that enrolment to this course is made with Allens Training Pty Ltd RTO 90909. Please refer to the student handbook on our website for all details relating to rights and responsibilities including complaints and appeals.

Performance tasks:

  • Prepare for a hazard analysis
  • Identify hazard
  • Assess risks
  • Control risks
  • Review controls
  • Identify and raise the type of work permit required
  • Issue the permit and prepare for work
  • Receive end of day report and close the work permit 

Documentation – The student must complete all documentation according to the required standard:

  • Hazard analysis form

Theory assessment -   A written assessment consisting of short-answer and multiple-choice questions. The student must complete all assessment questions.

This course is delivered and assessed on behalf of Allens Training Pty Ltd RTO 90909

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