More than 500 partnerships across Australia enjoy high-quality training materials, streamlined systems and unmatched support at very competitive prices. Become part of our team and you too could enjoy our low costs.
New Partners are required to invest in their business with a non-refundable Pre-paid System Credit of $500.00. This pre-payment to your account is toward your student course completions in your first year. This $500 is the minimum commitment to your business. The $500 prepayment is a non-refundable requirement in your first year as an Allens Training Partner.
You will pay for each person you train and this is paid AFTER you have delivered the course. After all, you don't really know how many course participants there will be until the day of training.
Here is an example of how it works...
Using a class of 10 students, with a course fee of $20 per person, your investment = $200.00
Let’s say you charge $125.00 per student for your course - giving you $1250.00
$1250.00 less $200.00 = $1050
Your profit = $1050!