Undertake Confined Space Rescue (Non-Fire Sector)

  • Nationally Recognised Certificate
  • Fast Certificate Turnaround
  • Experienced and Certified Instructors
  • Flexible Learning Options
  • Industry Validated
Confined Spaces Issue Permits and Hazard Control
  • Construction, Industry and Resources Courses

Course Description

The unit PUASAR025 – Undertake Confined Space Rescue (Non-Fire Sector) – equips students with the essential skills and knowledge required to safely perform rescue operations in confined spaces across various industries. This unit is critical for professionals working in sectors such as construction, utilities, mining, and manufacturing, where confined spaces like tanks, silos, or pipelines pose significant risks during emergencies.

Throughout the course, students will learn how to assess confined space environments, identify hazards, and develop safe rescue plans. Training focuses on the use of specialised rescue equipment, such as harnesses, winches, and atmospheric monitoring devices, as well as the proper use of personal protective equipment (PPE) to protect both rescuers and those being rescued. The course emphasises the importance of following safety protocols, effective team communication, and coordinating with other emergency responders to manage rescue efforts efficiently.

This unit is particularly valuable for safety officers, emergency responders, and personnel working in industries where confined space entry is required. It provides practical training to ensure that students are prepared to handle emergencies while adhering to workplace safety regulations.

Upon completion of PUASAR025, students will be capable of conducting confined space rescues with confidence and proficiency. The skills acquired in this unit ensure that rescue operations are carried out safely and effectively, reducing risks and ensuring compliance with industry best practices and regulatory requirements.

Units Delivered

The following units will be included in your certificate:


Undertake confined space rescue

This course can be delivered/assessed in the workplace or at facility organised by the training provider.

Course durations can vary for multiple reasons, so the durations below are the minimum possible amount.

Refresher Face to Face contact time of at least 6 Hours
Face-to-Face Face to Face contact time of at least 10 Hours

An individual undertaking this course with Allens Training Pty Ltd will need to demonstrate the following to be eligible for entry:

  • Participants must be clean shaven, no facial hair that may affect facial seal as per Australian Standard 1715.
  • There are no named pre-requisites for non-fire sector participants but after extensive industry engagement and consultation, it is best practice and highly recommended for individuals to have the underpinning knowledge and current industry experience of confined space, operating breathing apparatus and a current first aid certificate.
  • Psychological* and physical capability to be able to meet the demands of the practical demonstrations for this course, such as the undertaking of the requirements to safely enter, work in and exit a confined space wearing appropriate PPE. This may involve climbing up, down, through or under structures or confined spaces, being suspended, wearing harnesses and other relevant PPE, dragging and lifting in confined and restricted environments in dark, low light or smoke-filled areas. Participants will need sufficient physical ability to lift 15kg from ground to overhead and access heights above 2m.
  • This training is very physical. You will be ascending ropes and hanging in harnesses for extended periods in order to conduct rescues. If you do not possess the fitness/strength to climb towers, and other structures under your own strength, you will be unable to demonstrate the competence required for this program.
  • Protective non-slip footwear/safety shoes and comfortable/practical clothing must be provided by the student and worn during the practical sessions and assessment.
  • Language, literacy and numeracy requirements - students must be able to read and correctly interpret required documentation relevant to the confined space entry, speak clearly and unambiguously in English, explain, describe and verify sometimes complex needs and issues and understand the permit requirements. Writing is required to the level of completing workplace forms and producing any required reports. Numeracy is required to the level of being able to correctly differentiate between high and low pressures and temperatures, voltages or masses and interpret gas test/monitoring results.

*Safe Work Australia notes “Working in a confined space may impose physiological and psychological demands over and above those encountered in a normal working environment. Consideration should be given to a worker’s:

  • physical ability;
  • ability to work in a restrictive space (for example claustrophobia) and ability to wear the PPE required to do the work (for example respirators).” 

SWA Code of Practice - Confined Spaces

Respond to two (2) simulated scenarios to undertake confined space rescues demonstrating:

  • Identifying unacceptable risk using the acceptability/ unacceptability criteria
  • Working with others to determine risk controls
  • Assessing and determining the consequences and likelihood of potential risk
  • Controlling risk by selecting and implementing the most appropriate controls
  • Completing reports and records about the risk assessment and treatment implementation
  • Monitors and minimises own exposure to worksite risks and hazards during activities

During the above, the candidate must:

  • Locate and apply relevant documentation, policies and procedures and confirm that the work activity is compliant
  • Implement the requirements, procedures and techniques for conducting local risk control
  • Undertake confined space rescue effectively with others
  • Communicate with others to receive and clarify work instructions and to determine coordination requirements prior to commencing and during work activities
  • Complete the tasks in line with Federal. State/Territory regulations, codes of practice and other National workplace or site procedures.

Theory assessment - A written assessment consisting of multiple-choice and short answer questions. The student must complete all assessment questions.

The units have the following recommended renewal periods:

PUASAR025 - Undertake confined space rescue - Not applicable

Please note that enrolment to this course is made with Allens Training Pty Ltd RTO 90909. Please refer to the student handbook on our website for all details relating to rights and responsibilities including complaints and appeals.

Respond to two (2) simulated scenarios to undertake confined space rescues demonstrating:

  • Identifying unacceptable risk using the acceptability/ unacceptability criteria
  • Working with others to determine risk controls
  • Assessing and determining the consequences and likelihood of potential risk
  • Controlling risk by selecting and implementing the most appropriate controls
  • Completing reports and records about the risk assessment and treatment implementation
  • Monitors and minimises own exposure to worksite risks and hazards during activities

During the above, the candidate must:

  • Locate and apply relevant documentation, policies and procedures and confirm that the work activity is compliant
  • Implement the requirements, procedures and techniques for conducting local risk control
  • Undertake confined space rescue effectively with others
  • Communicate with others to receive and clarify work instructions and to determine coordination requirements prior to commencing and during work activities
  • Complete the tasks in line with Federal. State/Territory regulations, codes of practice and other National workplace or site procedures.

Theory assessment -   A written assessment consisting of multiple-choice and short answer questions. The student must complete all assessment questions.

This course is delivered and assessed on behalf of Allens Training Pty Ltd RTO 90909

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